Friday, August 2, 2013

Process or No Process?

This post I am writing to know my reader's view.

Many a times we hear words like we should follow this ‘Process’ or we should follow ’CMM’ level standard or my company follows ‘ISO’ standard. So is it useful to follow the process or is it good if we work without following any standard or process?

In my opinion following process is always good because if there is no process, then the organization runs on the minds of some heroes and later if they quit the company then it will lead to big problems. Because if there are no standards or processes followed in a firm then those heroes work the way they want to and they hide the information. They never share the important things with their colleagues so if they leave then others won’t have much knowledge of their own systems. Even if the heroes don't leave the firm, there will be a dependency on them forever. 

Software Testing is an easy job? Part 2

This is the continuation of the Software Testing is an easy job? post.
In first post  i had written about the struggle which a tester facing in his new company where they don't follow any process or standards.

This is just a concluding part so will not be writing in the dialogue forms.

Story goes like this-- T keeps on getting new requirement, requirement changes , enhancement as it happens almost in every company and keeps on struggling  to maintain the process. T decide to do his part of work following the process; Good thing is Manager always support him to do the work in his way and the bad part is Manager himself keeps on changing the process :(